Fishing 2012

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I had a bad year fishing. It started off very promising, but quickly went downhill. The heat and lack of rain didn't help at all.

March 18, 2012
Location: Vertin Pond Time of day: Morning Conditions: Pleasant.
My first time in the float tube this Spring and I caught my biggest bass ever. Just under 5-1/2lbs!
It's hard to take good pictures when you're holding the fish yourself!

June 13, 2012
Location: Vertin Pond Time of day: Evening Conditions: Hot
I think this is another reason the fishing was so bad. Because of the low water levels and high water temps, the weeds were over abundant.

And now they are finally building the subdivision here, so I might not be able to access my favorite fishing hole!
Cool sunlight refraction in the cloud. These are called sun dogs. They occur when the light hits ice crystals in the cloud.

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