I believe this is one of my cousins.

A peaceful scene. Unfortunately, a large part of the time the weather was overcast.

The lake was dead calm.






Here I am posing with their dog.


My Aunt tending her flowers.

My cousin Mara.

My Aunt in her kitchen.

I drove up to Itasca State Park, the see the headwaters of the
Mississippi River. I have always been interested in the Mississippi and
if I had grown up in a different area I might have been a "river rat".

"The Mississippi's mighty, but it starts in Minnesota
At a place where you can walk across with five steps down..."
That is a lyric from the Indigo Girls song Ghost. I did walk across it, so I can say that I have!



The area had some bad storms a week prior to my visit. This is tornado damage in Itasca State Park.

My Uncle fishing.

My cousin Mara and I went out fishing one night. It was pretty dark,
and one of my casts disturbed some resting ducks - scaring the bejeezus
out of both of us. Fun times!

I'm not sure what he was doing, but I'll bet it had something to do with fireworks!